52 research outputs found

    Selective Vectorization for Short-Vector Instructions

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    Multimedia extensions are nearly ubiquitous in today's general-purpose processors. These extensions consist primarily of a set of short-vector instructions that apply the same opcode to a vector of operands. Vector instructions introduce a data-parallel component to processors that exploit instruction-level parallelism, and present an opportunity for increased performance. In fact, ignoring a processor's vector opcodes can leave a significant portion of the available resources unused. In order for software developers to find short-vector instructions generally useful, however, the compiler must target these extensions with complete transparency and consistent performance. This paper describes selective vectorization, a technique for balancing computation across a processor's scalar and vector units. Current approaches for targeting short-vector instructions directly adopt vectorizing technology first developed for supercomputers. Traditional vectorization, however, can lead to a performance degradation since it fails to account for a processor's scalar resources. We formulate selective vectorization in the context of software pipelining. Our approach creates software pipelines with shorter initiation intervals, and therefore, higher performance. A key aspect of selective vectorization is its ability to manage transfer of operands between vector and scalar instructions. Even when operand transfer is expensive, our technique is sufficiently sophisticated to achieve significant performance gains. We evaluate selective vectorization on a set of SPEC FP benchmarks. On a realistic VLIW processor model, the approach achieves whole-program speedups of up to 1.35x over existing approaches. For individual loops, it provides speedups of up to 1.75x

    Dynamic Memory Optimization using Pool Allocation and Prefetching

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    Heap memory allocation plays an important role in modern applications. Conventional heap allocators, however, generally ignore the underlying memory hierarchy of the system, favoring instead a low runtime overhead and fast response times. Unfortunately, with little concern for the memory hierarchy, the data layout may exhibit poor spatial locality, and degrade cache performance. In this paper, we describe a dynamic heap allocation scheme called pool allocation. The strategy aims to improve cache performance by inspecting memory allocation requests, and allocating memory from appropriate heap pools as dictated by the requesting context. The advantages are two fold. First, by pooling together data with a common context, we expect to improve spatial locality, as data fetched to the caches will contain fewer items from different contexts. If the allocation patterns are closely matched to the traversal patterns, the end result is faster memory performance. Second, by pooling heap objects, we expect access patterns to exhibit more regularity, thus creating more opportunities for data prefetching. Our dynamic memory optimizer exploits the increased regularity to insert prefetch instructions at runtime. The optimizations are implemented in DynamoRIO, a dynamic optimization framework. We evaluate the work using various benchmarks, and measure a 17% speedup over gcc -O3 on an Athlon MP, and a 13% speedup on a Pentium 4.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA

    Ubiquitous Memory Introspection (Preliminary Manuscript)

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    Modern memory systems play a critical role in the performance ofapplications, but a detailed understanding of the application behaviorin the memory system is not trivial to attain. It requires timeconsuming simulations of the memory hierarchy using long traces, andoften using detailed modeling. It is increasingly possible to accesshardware performance counters to measure events in the memory system,but the measurements remain coarse grained, better suited forperformance summaries than providing instruction level feedback. Theavailability of a low cost, online, and accurate methodology forderiving fine-grained memory behavior profiles can prove extremelyuseful for runtime analysis and optimization of programs.This paper presents a new methodology for Ubiquitous MemoryIntrospection (UMI). It is an online and lightweight mini-simulationmethodology that focuses on simulating short memory access tracesrecorded from frequently executed code regions. The simulations arefast and can provide profiling results at varying granularities, downto that of a single instruction or address. UMI naturally complementsruntime optimizations techniques and enables new opportunities formemory specific optimizations.In this paper, we present a prototype implementation of a runtimesystem implementing UMI. The prototype is readily deployed oncommodity processors, requires no user intervention, and can operatewith stripped binaries and legacy software. The prototype operateswith an average runtime overhead of 20% but this slowdown is only 6%slower than a state of the art binary instrumentation tool. We used32 benchmarks, including the full suite of SPEC2000 benchmarks, forour evaluation. We show that the mini-simulation results accuratelyreflect the cache performance of two existing memory systems, anIntel Pentium~4 and an AMD Athlon MP (K7) processor. We alsodemonstrate that low level profiling information from the onlinesimulation can serve to identify high-miss rate load instructions with a77% rate of accuracy compared to full offline simulations thatrequired days to complete. The online profiling results are used atruntime to implement a simple software prefetching strategy thatachieves a speedup greater than 60% in the best case

    Growing a Software Language for Hardware Design

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    The Liquid Metal project at IBM Research aimed to design and implement a new programming language called Lime to address some of the challenges posed by heterogeneous systems. Lime is a Java-compatible programming language with features designed to facilitate high level synthesis to hardware (FPGAs). This article reviews the language design from the outset, and highlights some of the earliest design decisions. We also describe how these decisions were revised recently to accommodate important requirements that arise in networking and cryptography

    How to Do a Million Watchpoints: Efficient Debugging Using Dynamic Instrumentation

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    Application debugging is a tedious but inevitable chore in any software development project. An effective debugger can make programmers more productive by allowing them to pause execution and inspect the state of the process, or monitor writes to memory to detect data corruption. The latter is a notoriously difficult category of bugs to diagnose and repair especially in pointer-heavy applications. The debugging challenges will increase with the arrival of multicore processors which require explicit parallelization of the user code to get any performance gains. Parallelization in turn can lead to more data debugging issues such as the detection of data races between threads. This paper leverages the increasing efficiency of runtime binary interpreters to provide a new concept of Efficient Debugging using Dynamic Instrumentation, or EDDI. The paper demonstrates for the first time the feasibility of using dynamic instrumentation on demand to accelerate software debuggers, especially when the available hardware support is lacking or inadequate. As an example, EDDI can simultaneously monitor millions of memory locations, without crippling the host processing platform. It does this in software and hence provides a portable debugging environment. It is also well suited for interactive debugging because of the low associated overheads. EDDI provides a scalable and extensible debugging framework that can substantially increase the feature set of standard off the shelf debuggers.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA

    Design Space Exploration and Optimization of Embedded Memory Systems

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    Recent years have witnessed the emergence of microprocessors that are embedded within a plethora of devices used in everyday life. Embedded architectures are customized through a meticulous and time consuming design process to satisfy stringent constraints with respect to performance, area, power, and cost. In embedded systems, the cost of the memory hierarchy limits its ability to play as central a role. This is due to stringent constraints that fundamentally limit the physical size and complexity of the memory system. Ultimately, application developers and system engineers are charged with the heavy burden of reducing the memory requirements of an application. This thesis offers the intriguing possibility that compilers can play a significant role in the automatic design space exploration and optimization of embedded memory systems. This insight is founded upon a new analytical model and novel compiler optimizations that are specifically designed to increase the synergy between the processor and the memory system. The analytical models serve to characterize intrinsic program properties, quantify the impact of compiler optimizations on the memory systems, and provide deep insight into the trade-offs that affect memory system design.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Krishna Palem; Committee Member: Roy Dz-Ching Ju; Committee Member: Santosh Pande; Committee Member: Sudhakar Yalamanchili; Committee Member: Yannis Smaragdaki